Partnering with parents to help their children grow in faith.
Lisa Rudd
Interim Children's Ministry Director
Lisa Rudd has grown up in Camarillo for most of her childhood. She met her husband John at Pacific Camps, married in 2017 and they have adopted 3 amazing children, two out of foster care and one through private adoption. She currently homeschools her children and loves spending time with her family doing adventures. They like to go camping, travel, and play games with friends. Since making CamCC their home church, Lisa has joined the Worship team and has a desire to connect people in the church with other people.
Will start up again in Fall 2024
AWANA is a youth program for ages 2 through high school, meeting each Thursday evening from 6-8pm for most clubs, earlier ending times for youngest clubbers and 7:30-9pm for high-schoolers. AWANA purpose is “to teach boys and girls the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.”
Registration can be done online or in person on any Thursday night when Awana is meeting.
Sundays at 9am & 10:45am
Check-in is at the Early Childhood Counter (inside the worship center).
We have an amazing year planned for our children. Programs for kids ages birth through pre-k grade are offered at both services. Visit the welcome counter on Sunday to find the location of the age appropriate classrooms. Our leadership teams are ready to get to know your children - If you would like to join a team you are more than welcome to contact Elaine - joining a team is a great way to get connected! It's also a great way to review God's word in a fun-filled way!
Baby & Child Dedications
Dedication Sundays happen twice a year. Is a special time to introduce your child and family and have the church pray for God's blessing over you.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” And He put His hands on their heads and blessed them before he left. Matthew 19:14-15
The Seven C's
Camarillo Community Church Christian Child Care Center
Creating Christ-like Character in Children thru Compassionate Christian Care. Our registration takes place during the first week in March for the following summer and school year. Please contact the office to set up an appointment for a tour prior to our registration dates.
(805) 987-7779 | Monday—Friday | Open from 7am-6pm
- Caring for children ages 18 months through Pre-Kindergarten &
- Before/After School & Summer Programs for children (Kindergarten thru 5th Grade)
CA License# 566211235 & CA License #566211234