Upcoming Events

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Weekly Newsletter

Stay up to date with all upcoming events and details by subscribing to our weekly church newsletter. It is sent out every Friday.

March Momness

Community Impact initiative

This Sat, 3/08 at 10:00am is the prayer walk with Love Life! Meet at Marion Cannon Park in Ventura (5287 Teton Ln, Ventura, CA 93003). Click here to learn more.

For the month of March, CamCC will be focusing on supporting pregnant mothers and their families. Through a collection drive, prayer, and an adoption meeting, our goal is to provide hope, encouragement, resources, and prayer. Read below to learn more!

Awana Pancake Breakfast & Car wash Fundraiser

Sat, 4/12 • 8am-12pm in the parking lot

Get your car washed while you enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast! All proceeds go to the Awana Summer Camp. Pay at the door or buy tickets from any Awana camper!

Easter Gathering

Sun, 4/20 • 9AM & 10:45AM

Join us for our Easter gathering as we celebrate our risen savior! There will be an Easter egg hunt for birth-3rd grade and family photos with a vintage car. Invite your friends and family!

Good Friday Baptisms

Fri, April 18 • During the Good Friday Service | 6pm

In baptism we identify with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and publicly declare our intention to follow Him. Those being baptized will be sharing/reading their testimony during the Good Friday service.

If you would like to get baptized, please let us know by registering. 

Check out the full list of upcoming events within our ministries in our weekly newsletter and church calendar.