Caregiver Ministry

Matthew 11:28

Ginger Stevens

Caregiver Ministry Coordinator

I’ve been a member of CamCC for over 25 years. I am a registered nurse who retired from St. John’s Hospitals after 35 years. My educational degrees are in psychology, youth ministry, nursing and hospital administration. My career has spanned from bedside nursing to executive/management positions. I now work for Community Memorial Hospital as a quality coordinator. I am blessed to be able to work from home. I’m married to Craig Stevens (security team) and we have one son, Alex, who is a paramedic.

My spiritual gifts are to serve quietly in the background. I cared for my dad when he was dying of cancer. I walked with my mom on her 20 year journey with Alzheimer’s. The last 12 years of her life she was in a skilled nursing facility. I was her caregiver.  

God has placed a desire on my heart to serve our church family in some very practical ways. Matthew 11:28 states: “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest” (Respite)

One of the ways God can do that is through us, the body of Christ, willing to be there for each other. To come alongside our church family who are the caregivers.

Ginger, our Caregiver Ministry Coordinator, is out of the office from 9/04-9/30. Please contact michelle at for any questions. 

Caregiver Ministry

Matthew 11:28

Our caregiver ministry is a team of compassionate volunteers willing to do small, simple, practical things to help others who are caring for someone or for those who are temporarily homebound and might need a helping hand themselves. Our mission is to come alongside those in our church family who are caregivers.

  • Become a Volunteer

    If you are interested in volunteering in the Caregiver Ministry, please fill out the form below and email it to

  • Caregiver Support Request

    We want to come alongside our church family caregivers. If you would like to request to receive services from this ministry, please fill out the form below and send it to